Fastball Divisions

U9 (8-9yrs)
Refine fundamental movement skills early in stage and develop fundamental fastball skills later in stage all within a safe fastball environment that promotes self-confidence, participation, and fun. • Introduce simple tactics and strategies systematically in training that will be applied in modified games. • Introduce general physical fitness training and mental skills training later in stage.
Modifications: pitching from 30 feet; base paths are 45 feet; 11-inch ball
Requirements: pitchers must wear defensive face mask; helmets must have a cage
In South Vancouver Island, this age division league games are set for Saturday mornings.
See the Lakehill Competitive Fair Play document for information on skill streams, practices/games (frequency, duration), and positional play.

U11 (10-11yrs)
Refine fundamental movement skills early in stage and develop fundamental fastball skills later in stage all within a safe fastball environment that promotes self-confidence, participation, and fun. • Introduce simple tactics and strategies systematically in training that will be applied in modified games. • Introduce general physical fitness training and mental skills training later in stage.
Modifications: pitching from 35 feet; base paths are 45 feet; 11-inch ball
Requirements: pitchers must wear defensive face mask; helmets must have a cage
In South Vancouver Island, this age division league games are set for Tuesday evenings and Saturdays.
See the Lakehill Competitive Fair Play document for information on skill streams, practices/games (frequency, duration), and positional play.

U13 (12 & 13 yrs)
Consolidate fundamental fastball skills and introduce more advanced fastball skills and tactics/strategies. • Optimize the skill set and build on competitive experiences. • Develop overall general physical fitness and general mental skills. • Introduce fastball-specific mental skills and learn to cope with the mental and physical challenges of competition.
Modifications: pitching from 38 feet; base paths are 55 feet; 11-inch ball
Requirements: pitchers must wear defensive face mask; helmets must have a cage
See the Lakehill Competitive Fair Play document for information on skill streams, practices/games (frequency, duration), and positional play.

U15 (14 & 15 yrs)
Further consolidate fundamental fastball skills and simple tactics/ strategies and develop more advanced fastball skills and tactics/ strategies. • Further develop overall general physical fitness, general mental skills and introduce fastball-specific mental skills. • Focus on transferring the performance of skills developed in training into the competitive environment with a greater focus on optimal team performance
Modifications: pitching from 40 feet;
Regulation: base paths are regulation 60 feet; regulation 12-inch ball
Requirements: pitchers are recommended to wear defensive face mask; helmets must have a cage
See the Lakehill Competitive Fair Play document for information on skill streams, practices/games (frequency, duration), and positional play.

U17 (16 & 17 yrs)
Refine fundamental fastball skills and further develop advanced fastball skills and tactics/strategies • Refine general mental skills and further develop fastball-specific mental skills • Further develop general physical fitness and introduce fastball-specific physical fitness • Focus on the preparation for optimal performance in competition
Modifications: pitching from 43 feet;
Regulation: base paths are regulation 60 feet; regulation 12-inch ball
Requirements: pitchers are recommended to wear defensive face mask; helmets must have a cage
See the Lakehill Competitive Fair Play document for information on skill streams, practices/games (frequency, duration), and positional play.

U19 (18-19 yrs)
Refine advanced fastball skills and tactics/strategies. • Develop fastball-specific and position-specific physical fitness. • Refine fastball-specific mental skills. • Focus on maximizing performance in competition
Pitching distance is regulation 43 feet.
See the Lakehill Competitive Fair Play document for information on skill streams, practices/games (frequency, duration), and positional play.

Junior / Senior Women's (over 19 yrs)
Refine advanced fastball skills and tactics/strategies. • Develop fastball-specific and position-specific physical fitness. • Further develop fastball-specific mental skills. • Focus on maximizing performance in competition.
Our Women’s team plays under the Guiding Principles for Competitive Softball • Cooperation between players, synchronization, and increased speed of execution of plays is emphasized. • Player autonomy is refined. • Players specialize in 1-2 positions, but have the ability to play a third position well. • The focus on fastball-specific and position-specific training • Instruction and preparation are individualized in order to address each player’s individual needs, strengths, and weaknesses.
League play includes Victoria Saanich Women’s Softball and/or Victoria Women’s Fastball.