U14B (Jan 20th 3:00) Team Player Assessments

Our U14B team player assessments are taking place on Sunday January 20th, 3:00 – 4:30, at Royal Oak Middle School. 


U12B (Jan 23rd 7:15) Team Player Assessment

Our U12B team player assessments are taking place on Wednesday January 23rd, 7:15 -9:00, at Doncaster Elementary School. 


If you want to assess for play on the B-level team, here are the details for you.

NOTE: Assessments are required for: 1) play at a higher level (B team); and 2) play in older age division.


Please PRE-REGISTER YOUR INTENTION to come to the assessment session by emailing Amy at amy.carr@shaw.ca with the following information:

  • Name
  • Birthdate
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Team for the past 2018 season
  • Any injuries or conditions that may impact your assessment

NOTE: If you are unable to attend the designated sessions, please contact Amy at amy.carr@shaw.ca by Friday January 18th to make other arrangements. This is required to ensure your intentions are considered prior to the team formations following the January assessments.