Happy Fall, Lakehill Ball Community!

Are you interested in helping make decisions that shape our entire club and community? We would love to hear from you! There are three voting Board positions that will have vacancies opening up soon: VP Operations, VP Softball, Umpire in Chief – Softball. There are also several Director at Large positions becoming available: Softball Scheduler, Volunteer Coordinator, Equipment Manager, and a few others that have been vacant for the past term.

If you have been meaning to attend at least one meeting this year, then make our Annual General Meeting (AGM) the one you don’t miss. Mark your calendars for Monday, Nov 28th at 7 PM for our upcoming AGM on Zoom. A more formal AGM meeting notification/call for nominations will be coming soon. Nominations for all board positions will be accepted in advance, or at our Zoom hosted AGM.

Please take a look at what positions we have on our executive and visit this page for more details on what the volunteer positions might look like. Or, email info@lakehillball.com to connect with Merie Beauchamp for more information. The board meets once a month for 2 hours via Zoom, or in person during ball season. We would love to welcome some new members with diverse backgrounds.


Lakehill is entirely run by parent volunteers and this organization thrives with more participation. The great ball experience for kids we offer, can’t be done without your help or input. Looking forward to seeing you on November 28th!